Saturday, August 4, 2012

Primary Aug 7th

We have an upcoming primary on Aug 7th It is important that we all get out and vote. See you can’t complain if you never take the time to do. Most say primary isn’t important it is you want your best going up against their best… I’m hungry enough to want to see changes in Michigan right now and you should be hungry too… My Facebook friend s you will be happy to know I’m not running for anything; so you can all breathe a sigh of relief…  Also, we all know that if I lead you to water, I’m gonna push you in just on G.P. So I leave the running to folks that can handle you.
First the DIA Michiganders we need this to stay open; we grew up with it why shouldn’t our kids grow up with the DIA. I loved when Wayne State University stressed me out the DIA was always there for me, I could walk across the street sit on the steps and think or walk in and it always had something new for me…  We keep taking from our kids now wonder why they just choose to break into your house… NO option is provided for them.
13th Congressional District we have running
Goci- Don’t know enough to make an informed decision.
Jackson- Don’t know enough to make an informed decision
Which leads me to Anderson- Anderson is my Senator right now and I think I e-mailed you 2 years ago and I still am awaiting a response from you. At this point I won’t hold my breath, but it shows me that if you didn’t take the time then what makes me think you will take the time now… Wait, I’m important now because it’s election time.  Also, how long have you been a senator and what have you done?
Well I can say the questioned I posed to Anderson 2 years ago another senator answered which leads me to… Johnson every time I ask him a question he gets back to me the same day. He says things like, “I can’t do it without you.” He wants a working relationship with his voters and goes out of his way to build that relationship. Every time I hear him speak he gets me charged up like there is still hope for Michigan. Call me selfish but I also like the fact that we have a 3 year age difference between us; so, the same things he’s fighting for will benefit me as well like retirement and having the most money… Most people in our age group have kids he does too so every time he fight a fight for his children it’s like a victory for yours…  So I ask that you take some time out and YouTube him or email him before the upcoming primary.
Conyers- Way too old to have the younger person’s vision in mind. It’s hard to understand how someone forty or younger can relate to Mr. Conyers and apparently he is running on name recognition because I have not received one piece of paperwork from him. Oh wait just got a robo call saying I’ll get something.  When I think of Mr. Conyers my next thought is about the civil rights movement; so however, I can’t knock Mr. Conyers because he stood up and made a difference when it was needed in this country.  Furthermore, if I was fighting for rights I would gladly call on Mr. Conyers but I’m taking care of my family and trying to feed myself. “I NEED MORE.”  Do you remember when we elected President Obama his slogan was “change.” I took that to mean people in office now, not doing a thing for you shouldn’t be in office representing my views.                                                                            
 Now let’s turn our attention to another primary for the 11th District for State Representative it has come down to 2 opponents Cody Bailey and David Knezek. I say it comes down to these two because I can’t remember the others democrats running at this point. I would just like to say this, one has to loose and I call this a loose, loose for Michigan. I have talk to both of these gentlemen and have enjoyed both of their ideas… I could see both as Governor or President someday… So I expect great things from these awesome guys one day… Prove me right gentlemen….  I’m gonna share something I like about each…  Starting with David only because you’re older…
Knezek – is a military man which they make incredible leaders. If you can fight for your countries beliefs in a war then still come home and still want to fight for people you have my seal of approval. Knezek, is also a substitute teacher as I so we shared stories and had a few laughs. As he told me what he was going to do for Michigan I agree with him.
Bailey-is still young enough to think that there is still some good in this world and its people. Not cynical yet. So he wants to work with you… The passion that he has for people at his young age is incredible. I truly believe that he wants to do go by you and for you….I agreed with his vision for Michigan….
So I urge that if you like me and can’t choose between the two call them, e-mail them and differently go to their web site and read about them.
I was so serious with you guys and now I blow all my credibility with my closing statement , but you are my Facebook friends  and you understand I love a good laugh… the only bad thing I have to say about Bailey or Knezek  neither one gave me a shirt or asked me to be their token black…. OMG I Make myself laugh….  

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