Monday, July 2, 2012

Thirty and Wishing I Knew This in My Twenties

Have you ever set back and wondered were there rules to life. A lot of us have to learn the hard way in order to say we have learned. God if I knew the stuff that I know now I would be queen. Questions in life that you have to find the answers too; life really is that mystery when you’re young. No rule book that says if I do this, this will happen, well I don’t want that to happen, okay honey then don’t do this. Yeah we are taught that we have consequences in life but twenty doesn’t understand it like thirty. We live the wrong life, by loving the wrong people and not understand that life really is short so that apology you have been putting off really is needed. The hating yourself because that NO really was needed. Here are all the things I wish I knew in my twenties but had to learn the hard way by the time I was thirty.
1.    That tan line really is a wedding ring. Shocked but yes he would put that ring in his pocket as he sees you walk by. He might want to get to know you, but he is not going to leave his wife. As sad as it may seem just as long as he’s not spending his hard earned money on you his wife won’t care. Sex is just the basic of this relationship and calling him one too many times will end it.  

2.    After, dating one brother it’s probably not wise dating the other even after a few years pass. Yeah, the whole time you are with one brother your thinking wow that other brother is cute is he thinking about me. Not a smart move you really are the bad guy here. Brothers stick together and you just got played by both; furthermore, they are not up in the middle of the night thinking about you. They just make a commit at a family dinner how sick and freaky you are and move on to someone more suitable.

3.    If he acts like a douche bag that first day hey guess what he really is a douche bag. That first impression really does matter. If he acts like he is the center of attention and you should be pleased to be with him hello ladies he is a douche. If he never listens to one word you say all night hey he is a douche.

4.    I do love him but he just doesn’t love me the way he should, so sex really won’t make the relationship better. I had a guy tell me once “sex confuses things,” so true sex only makes you feel that you are where you should be. Sex and happiness don’t go hand and hand. You hear so many things, “sex makes the world go round,” and “just the motion in the ocean.”

5.    Being nice to man makes them feel like they have the upper hand and they will take advantage of you. I’m sure we have all heard those famous words “I will pay you back,” or “trust me I have your best interest at heart.” Well, I’m not saying you’re stupid but you wanted to trust someone that wasn’t trust worthy the young and dumb got a hold of you in your twenties.

6.    That cute guy really doesn’t have much but that cuteness working for him. Yeah stay away from that pretty face he’s shallow and he knows he looks good. He's just out with you because he thinks you’re an easy mark. He really doesn’t have much to talk about except the fact that he’s cute. He really is that cute face save you a lot of time and run much better now than later staying around with cute stuff.

7.    Being smarter and stronger emotionally when in a relationship really does keep a guy away. It’s ok to show case your talent and let someone know how smart you are. Being smart is great, pick a guy that isn’t threaten by what you know. Not crying when most people would is okay too; sometimes you shouldn’t sweat the small stuff. You being able to handle your own needs makes a man feel like you don’t need him well if he doesn’t understand you do need him, more on. He is a waste of time if he can’t let you be and do you move on.

8.    Being yourself and really saying accept me for who I am really is best. In life you need to understand you really know who you are and be that person. Being that pretty model that doesn’t eat much is not you; you’re just gonna get mad one night and eat everything in the house. Think yourself as powerful and the best that you can be so love it and be it.

9.    Where does that doctor, lawyer, or politician hang out he really is best. He might not look the best but he’s really is going places. He can handle your smartness and he sees beauty in your knowledge. He actually wants to talk to you. Smartness does not threaten him it turns him on.  Wait he might really like you.

10. It’s not too late to make a change. Change is good. Change is strong and should happen as many times as you need to make yourself feel better. When change occurs your making yourself grow and happy. Out with the old and in with the new. Never let someone tell you that change isn’t good.  It’s never too late for change.

Heal through your wounds and grow and learn that you are somebody. There will be pain in life most call those growing pains I call them life’s long lesson. The truth is I was once this girl I went through this and so much more. We don’t have a handbook but wouldn’t life be so much better if we did. We grow as we get older and most times we look back and say we will never do that again. My experiences diffidently made me who I am, but it would have been nice not to have to cry myself to sleep because I didn’t understand that man I was with. Now you have the upper hand because it really is okay to walk away.
If I had it all over to do again I would be queen. Twenties are meant for mess ups but if you are not learning from your mess ups then you didn’t learn your twenties are over. Let the pass be the pass and move forward to better and brighter times. Here are just my life pains. How simple life would be if someone helped me grow and let me know that it’s okay to be me and me is best.

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